Why is everything everywhere compared to a 747 jumbo jet?
“This stadium can hold five 747 jumbo jets nose to tail.”
“The machine that this hobbyist is building nearly a quarter of the size of a 747 jumbo jet.”
“The CERN’s ATLAS Detector which is the world’s largest particle accelerator has a weight of a hundred 747 jumbo jets (when empty).”
And today was the limit. In a science program (I was too late to catch its title), the meteorologist speaks about a cloud formation and says, “..so the total water content of such a cloud is equal to a 747 jumbo jet.”
Huh? Why can’t you just say the total volume is n number of litres or the total weight is n number of tonnes, or whatever. He wasn’t even clear if it was the volume or the weight he was talking about. Why do these people assume that everyone knows how long or big or heavy or moody a 747 jumbo jet is?
I have a headache coming on the size of a 747 jumbo jet.